
Friday, July 16, 2021

Tech Topic Connection

Privacy is a distinct human right. It connects to the fundamentals of information technology through the accessibility to information. The information can be found on hardware, software, systems and the internet. Data is present in our everyday lives for example when you online shop and type in our name, address and email address on a website, this is an example of visible data.  There is also less visible data that is being collected through computing. For example, there are firms that specialize in data brokerage where they profile people’s online activity and behavior and use it for marketing. Personal data is captured at such a high frequency that storage and use of the data is becoming an increasing concern.

Computers store data in two different ways, the first of which is call Random Access Memory (RAM). The RAM is an internal component in a computer that is included in the motherboard that allows the computer to store data temporarily. RAM is only in use when the computer is powered on. The other way computers store data is through the hard drive.  The hard drive consists of spinning platter that hold data permanently, even when the computer is not powered on. These hardware components hold the personal and sensitive information of each of its users. Therefore, the important of safeguarding them is essential.

With emerging technology programming languages are being used to combat privacy. Furthermore, with mobile and web applications that manage users’ personal information it requires developers to align their software with privacy requirements commonly described in privacy policies. RSL-IL4Privacy is a domain-specific language that can be simultaneously manipulated by computers and analyzed by humans. It can improve the quality of privacy policies and also identifies threats to validity (Caramujo, 2019). 

Cookies is another way that program language is tied to privacy.  They are small pieces of data from a specific website that is store on a person’s computer while they browse the internet. Keeping track of a user’s browsing activity for ads and remembering login credentials.  Most websites that we visit have a pop up that is programmed to get acceptance for cookies. Depending on how the website uses the website it can be beneficial or harmful.

“In the cloud computing system, both application software and databases are moved to the large data centers, where data should not be secure in the hands of providers (Jaglan, 2015).” This an example of how privacy plays a role in privacy.  The data that is being sent to the data center must also be secured. In this case data is being stored remotely in another locations and customer need reassurance that their data is being protected when using cloud computing as a means to backup data.

Databases also need to be secured. The security plan will depend heavily on the size and nature of the database and on its business requirements. Different objects such as tables, logins, users and roles can be granted permissions to access different securable. This also explains why network architecture, management and security is so heavily influenced by privacy.


Caramujo, J., Rodrigues da Silva, A., Monfared, S., Ribeiro, A., Calado, P., & Breaux, T. (2019). RSL-IL4Privacy: a domain-specific language for the rigorous specification of privacy policies. Requirements Engineering24(1), 1–26. https://doi-org.proxy-library.ashford.edu/10.1007/s00766-018-0305-2


Jaglan, V. (2015). Proposing Efficient Approach to Improve Integrity Checking in Cloud Data Security. International Journal of Recent Research Aspects, 2(3), 125–129. https://search-ebscohost-com.proxy-library.ashford.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,cpid&custid=s8856897&db=a9h&AN=115136867&site=ehost-live.


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Tech Topic Connection